(20 players)
First Name Last Name Rating Age M/F Club Disrict
Cameron Kartchner 144.25 20 M Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Caden Hoppis 130.475 20 M Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Kate Even 113 27 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Marcello Quintero 111.6 19 M Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Mariana Verdugo 105 19 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Bryan Howell 103.975 51 M Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Kevin Camberg 101.15 53 M Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Cara Bobrowitz 101 31 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Natalie Quintero 97.75 19 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Megan Martinez 97.45 46 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Kelley Miller 95.275 34 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Azmaveth Cruz 94 20 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Quan Lang 87.45 20 M Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Kelsey Huesek 85.875 28 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Clarke Baer 84.7 35 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Michael Beek 84.65 60 M Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Ari Diaz 82.275 42 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Meghan Wagner 74.6 41 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
Sarah Simpson 71.9 55 F Serve the Future Phoenix Adults
John Baer 70.875 39 M Serve the Future Phoenix Adults